Just write: Inspiration is just a story away

Magic in the Garden

“Oh no, that’s bad for their wings. He must be dead.”
“No,” Earl said, “I saw him moving.”
I rushed over to scoop him out, holding him up in the sunshine. His wings looked pretty good, other than being dingy (Gulf Fritillary butterflies have this sheen to them if you have seen one) so I put him on a cucumber to dry out. It couldn’t hurt right?
After a bit he hopped around fluttering those wings. Later I came back and he was gone. I thought: I gave that guy a few more flights! Earl said whoever said I was mean doesn’t know what mean is because mean people wouldn’t waste their time.
Several hours later I am washing kale in the tub, and a butterfly lands on that cucumber plant. I look- IT IS MY BUTTERFLY! I hold my hand out and he flies over and lands on me – thank you. ❤️
You are welcome little guy. ❤️
Later that day we are having a beer and I see him land on the cucumber again. I go over and he flies onto my hand again, wings way more tattered than before – thank you. ❤️
One more sunset little guy.
Did you read this story and believe? Were you happy in the magic? Or did you turn away, a skeptic?
Ann Evanston | www.AnnEvanston.com | ann@zenaenterprises.com