Looking for authors to write stories for the books below!
Scroll down or click on the title for more information about each book.
The Self-Love Evolution
We want YOUR story!
Imagine coming together with others, in one book, each with their story and the lesson they learned about getting out of their own way, stumbling and getting back up stronger, and thriving in their lives!
It’s exciting to be a part of a new network, and be a part of transforming lives. To connect with other writers of stories, similar and different than you….yet still bonded by the theme of the story. It’s rewarding to know you are making a difference in the lives of others, because you shared, nothing more.
These powerful collaborations are all about the reader. Throughout history stories have been passed down, across tribes and generations. Our stories encourage, inspire, and heal others.
I would love you to be a part.
In these books the stories are shorter because they are often most powerful! As an author you will write 800 to 1000 words sharing a pivotal moment and the lesson you learned. There is no “formula” or template for writing your story, hence the title “Unscripted.” I want your voice, your way of telling the story, your words, your “flow”, your sense of humor (or not if you don’t really have one! LOL)
I do share a methodology for telling a great story in this webinar audio/video:
I take each author’s story and weave them together in the ebook in a way that allows the reader to experience what they need to. Who am I? You can learn more here.
Below are the books I am currently recruiting authors for. Check back for the futures!
The process is simple to participate! Sign the agreement and payment to support administrative costs. If you would like to chat, schedule time with me here! https://meetme.so/AnnEvanston
Book Authors Promotional Package!
Market Like a Rockstar!

Unscripted Stories Told by Women Trusting Their Guided Intuition
Each of us were gifted with an intuitive ability. We are all born with intuition or our internal “GPS”. Some of us recognized and embraced it early in life, others ignored the “signs” until much later. Now you are connected to the spiritual place where you “see” boldly, feel deeply, and embrace life differently from your soul. Learning to trust your intuition through feelings, heart-centered thoughts and synchronicities, you have built greater self-esteem and confidence and as a result success and happiness.
We are looking for people to share a story if you are a woman who has tapped into their guided intuition, have accessed those gifts and have embraced how this allowing-ness, this connection to spirit that has healed your life, and allowed you to love SELF fully.
All types of intuitive and spirit connections are welcomed: gut feeling, angels, premonitions, archangels, energy, colors, family that has crossed over, advisors, ancestors, spiritual counselors, ascended masters…no limits to your intuitive guides for your life.
This book is looking for those who have actually stepped into the power of their intuitive energy and are willing to share a story about how they got there, or when you ignored it, and what you personally learned.
Creative questions to get your story telling “juices“ flowing:
When did you acknowledge your unique gifted intuitive ability or spirit guides? How does it show up when you need it? When was a time this helped you heal (mind, body, soul)? How has it supported you through a tough decision or a life changing event? Where has this gift allowed you to BE in greater fulfillment? How has embracing it allowed you greater self-love.
No subject is off-limits as long as it is a personal story and lesson you learned about the embodiment of your intuition and/or spirit guides and the lesson you have learned by tapping in. Be a part of an amazing community using the power of storytelling to heal, transform, and inspire others!
Become an Author Today!
Simply sign the agreement and make the administrative payment to get started.

Unscripted Stories Told by Women in Direct Sales
You are an amazing woman who loves your flexible lifestyle. Direct Sales has fit beautifully into who you are and how to make money…. your way!
You are a woman who has found business success while managing absolutely everything else that is important in your life. Successfully making money you want, for whatever reason, hasn’t come by traditional means. And your dream life is special and unique to you and you are thrilled to be living it!
We are looking for women just like you to share your story to inspire, transform, and heal the lives of others. To attract other women like you to your direct sales business! Now is the time for you to share your story and show other women that this is truly possible! In this powerful collaboration, we are looking for you to share a personal story about how you have found your dream life and business while still having a very busy day.
Creativity questions to get your juices flowing: Where did you find time to grow your business? What can you share about working from home and creating your “dream life?“ How did you get in (and out) of your own way? When did “how to do it” finally click? How did you create your dream life?
No subject is off-topic as long as it fits the title of the book and it is a personal story and a lesson you learned along the way.
Become an Author Today!
Simply sign the agreement and make the administrative payment to get started.

Unscripted Stories Told by Women Who Lead With Confidence and Power
We are looking for women who have chosen the path of leadership to share in this wonderful e-book collaboration! You just have to be a woman leading (at any level) in your career to share!
Becoming a woman in leadership is an empowered choice. Becoming a woman leading with strength and power balanced with love and empathy is simply inspiring! Other women can learn through your stories and examples!
This e-book is looking for women who have actualized the power of feminine energy while leading groups of people. Creativity questions to get your storytelling juices flowing: how have you learned to “lead like a woman“? What lessons have you learned about working with men? How have you showed you care about those you lead while setting expectations with teams? When did you realize you can lead with the feminine voice and still get results?
I understand that some companies will require you to go through legal to have a bio with their name on it. There are workarounds to this, please contact me if you are excited to write a story and need to know some more!
Become an Author Today!
Simply sign the agreement and make the administrative payment to get started.

Unscripted Stories Told by Sexually Emboldened Women
We are looking for women who are on fire sexually and are willing to share with others so they can learn! In this delightful, and possibly racy, book collaboration we want your story on how you’ve learned to be sexually in touch, get what you need “in bed“, (or in public or in the shower, LOL), and feel free and confident to be the sexual woman you are!
You are a woman who has owned her sexuality and lives life full throttle! You are a woman who doesn’t stop, and you are not afraid of getting your sexual needs met. Now, more than ever, women who have found that sexual strength are stepping up and showing other women how. And this beautiful collection of our stories and what we have learned will do just that!
This book is looking for women who have actually stepped into the power of their sexual energy and are willing to share a story about how they got there.
Creative questions to get your story telling “juices“ flowing:
How did you learn to ask for what you need sexually? What have you learned about sexual partnerships and making them fabulous for you as a woman? What about sexual pleasure, masturbation, orgasm, and climax? What about being a sexual woman out in the world? How did you learn to express yourself as a sexual being?
No subject is off-limits as long as it is a personal story and lesson you learned about sexuality as a woman. Be a part of an amazing community using the power of storytelling to heal, transform , and inspire others! more!
Become an Author Today!
Simply sign the agreement and make the administrative payment to get started.

Unscripted Stories Told by Women in Intimate and Admired Relationships
We are looking for your amazing relationship story! Stories of couples that have been together for the “long haul”, couples that have the kind of love that others admire after “all these years” together. Ultimately you have been committed to each other for many years (not just a few) and have learned what it takes to stay committed, be in love and keep the fire alive!
Stories can cover any subject related to being in a relationship . When did you learn about communication? What about sex? How do you align goals and values year after year? How do you keep trust and faith in each other? How have you gotten through a bad time together, better and stronger?
What keeps you committed, in love and admired?
No subject is off limits as long as it is a personal story you went through. A couple can write together, or individually, any long term relationship is welcome to participate.
Become an Author Today!
Simply sign the agreement and make the administrative payment to get started.